Shout Out to My Vegan Hubby!

Shout Out to My Vegan Hubby!

My husband and I have been 100% Vegan (and high raw) since July 28, 2013.

What promted us to do this? Well, he has been a vegetarian for about 20 years, but an unhealthy one (his words.) At this time, I had been a vegetarian for about 1 year and was headed for the same unhealthy vegetarian status. 😦

One day we watched Fork Over Knives and Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and it finally clicked for us! We decided to become 100% Vegan and we would see what changes would transpire.

Paul had actually gone to the doctors for his usual appointment on July 26 and got his results on Monday. Not such good results. His bad cholesterol was really high. We were determined to work on our health for the next 12 weeks until his next doctor’s appointment.

His last doctors appointment, Friday, October 18th, we were really hoping for good results. Well, we sure did get them! His bad cholesterol dropped by 62 points!! He also lost 18 lbs.! His cholesterol levels are now in the normal range! No pills, all healthy vegan food! Yay!

Just thought I would share this victory. 🙂

If you are thinking about becoming vegan or raw, do it! Just do it! Your health will improve dramatically.

Wishing you all the best!

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